Sleep Solutions Glossary of Terms

Our Sleep Solutions department solves an old problem: that shopping for a mattress is hard, confusing, feels risky, and really not that much fun. Not anymore! We have uncomplicated everything about mattresses, and are explaining it all in the way only industry experts and salespeople knew. Welcome to Sleep Solutions. It’s beyond helping you sleep better; it’s helping you SHOP better.

These definitions will help you shop easier, and faster! And with our 365-Night Comfort Guarantee*, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

Back Support

A medium back support rating of three

“Back support” is the support rating each bed provides your body for support and pressure relief. If you have back, spine, hip or other issues, work on your feet all day, or are tall or bigger framed, great back support is a must for you.

Back Support ratings were carefully decided by a panel of mattress experts. They were determined based on the construction of the bed, the materials used in the mattress, the type and number of coils, the amount and type of foam, edge support, and more. Ratings start at a 1 (slight support), and end at a 5 (most supportive!) If you need great back support, select a 4 or 5. If you're shopping for your guest bedroom or a child, a lighter back support rating will be appropriate.


A medium soft feel rating of three

“Feel” is often thought of as softness from the top down. It’s the level of cushion comfort you get from those top layers of a bed. Imagine your hand pressing down onto a mattress. Do you like your hand to press deep into cushioning (very soft feel)? Or do you like the hand to press in a little, into a firm feeling top? That is the difference between very soft and firm. We have rated all of them for you, so you can customize to get just what you need. Very important to note – this is different from back support. Since they are different, you can get strong back support AND a soft mattress. It’s true!

Feel ratings were carefully measured, checked, and measured again by a large panel of experts. Ratings start at a 1 (firmest feel) and go to a 5 (the softest feel!) With our easy ratings and explanations, you can find the mattress that is just right for your comfort level. Select the levels you like as you shop online, and see what mattresses fit your preferred feel.

Note: Memory foam is a really different feel. Even though none of the memory foam beds have higher than a 3 in softness, doesn’t mean that their unique feel isn’t one you might love. Come into any Slumberland to take our rest match and try them out.

Mattress Types

There are three different types of mattress types: Innerspring, Memory Foam, and Hybrid. Each style has different benefits, and you may favor one over the other. You can take a quick Rest Match at your local Slumberland to figure out which you like better. The real focus is on what component of the mattress supports your body.

Innerspring mattress logo

Innerspring (Orange): This is the “traditional” mattress style. Supported by a platform of springs (called ‘coils’) and covered with a padded top layer, an innerspring mattress has a classic feel from the springs pushing up against your body for support. What can matter in the support level is the amount of coils you have, how many, how strong they are, and more.

Memory foam mattress logo

Memory Foam (Teal): Memory foam has been very popular for a number of years. The support here comes from layers of dense and firm foams which react to your body and cradle it to relieve pressure, rather than pushing back against it. The foams vary in density and material. Memory foam beds definitely do not feel the same across brands or beds.

Hybrid mattress logo

Hybrid (Gold): Hybrid mattresses combine innerspring coil technology with memory foam for a mattress that is supportive, still has a bit of bounce, and yet still cradles, reacts, and relieves pressure. This is a great option for people interested in both styles and want a bit of both.

It’s important to feel the difference between these three mattress types and give them each a try by taking a quick rest match.

Extra Pressure Relief

Advanced pressure relief logo

Any mattress has some pressure relief based on the mattress’ construction. However, there are some beds that use higher quality, more pressure-relieving materials. Depending on your personal needs, your mattress can have either additional moderate or advanced pressure relief, which can be great for people with back problems, hip problems, recurring pain problems, and more.


Cooling Mattress logo

Sleeping hot is a top problem for adults today! Luckily there are many new technologies and materials to help. Look for our cooling icons to identify products that help you sleep cooler. For those who really sleep hot, look for our advanced cooling products, from mattresses to pillows to sheets to keep you cool.

Ships in a Box

Ships in box logo

Some mattresses are vacuum-sealed into a compact box and are perfect for those who are looking for something that they can easily transport. Boxed mattresses are also great for people who need to move their mattress through tight spaces.


Antimicrobial logo

When unprotected, mattresses can be a breeding ground for germs. With an antimicrobial mattress, there are additional properties in the fabric cover that actively kill and prevent microbial growths from occurring.

No Motion Transfer

No motion transfer logo

No motion transfer means when you’re sleeping with a partner, the mattress will absorb more of their movement during the night, letting you both sleep better. You won’t wake up when the person next to you rolls over or moves around.

Adjustable Base Compatible

Adjustable base compatible logo

Adjustable bases can literally elevate your mattress. If you struggle with snoring, or if you just want a more comfortable environment for reading or watching tv in bed, you’ll want to make sure that your mattress is adjustable base compatible. Fortunately, nearly all the mattresses we sell are adjustable base compatible.

Sleep Solutions by Slumberland

Armed with this guide, you’re now ready to find your perfect mattress. Shop Sleep Solutions by Slumberland online, or stop by your local Slumberland store to take a Rest Match and start your mattress buying journey.

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