How to Decorate a Mantel (Fireplace & Mantel Ideas)

A fireplace mantel full of vases

People love to gather around a fireplace. Give them an additional reason to visit your hearth with a mantel that makes a statement. Here are five easy ways to dress your mantel.

Start with a focal point

Make a bold statement with a big focal point: a large mirror or framed piece of art, a giant basket, or an oversized vase. Place this in the center of the mantel to anchor the look.

Add visual weight

In addition to your oversized focal point, you’ll want to add secondary visual weight. This is another bold statement piece (a plate, a vase, a sculpture, etc.) that isn’t quite as big as your focal point, but still packs a visual punch.

Vary height

Next add objects of varying height. Perhaps candles of different sizes or a vase with tall branches arranged with smaller objects. This creates a sense of movement as the eye travels up and down from object to object.

Mix up texture

You can also add interest by varying textures. Mix baskets with smooth pottery. Pair wood with etched crystal. Include natural elements such as flowers, branches, plants, and pinecones.


Create more depth and interest by staggering your items versus lining them up in a row. And you don’t have to move from tall in the back to short up front. Tuck a smaller piece in the back and bring a tall, slender vase to the front. As long as you can see everything and you like the look, any arrangement goes.

Employ these simple tricks for a big impact on your mantel!  

Vases and a lamp on a mantel